
Ask a Manager ( - Blog about questions to managers { #jobs #managers }

Mars Rendered ( | [💬 discussion] - The Bruce Murray Laboratory for Planetary Visualization has completed a 5.7 terapixel mosaic of the surface of Mars rendered at 5.0 m/px. Each pixel in the mosaic is about the size of a typical parking space, providing unprecedented resolution of the martian surface at the global scale. { #mars }

Pricing Money ( | [💬 discussion] - Pricing Money is a beginner’s guide: it says so in big letters on the front cover. I believe it to be an excellent beginner’s guide — presumably many authors believe their own books to be excellent — but, being a beginner’s guide, it will not immediately make you a world-renowned expert. { #investing }

Bullshit Jobs | The Anarchist Library ( | [💬 discussion] - David Graeber - Bullshit Jobs - A Theory { #work #jobs }


Cursor - The AI-first Code Editor ( - Build software faster in an editor designed for pair-programming with AI { #ide #coding }


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