bees making honey in psychedelic plane
bees making honey in psychedelic plane


Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness Contest: Psychedelic Cryptography (Innovate) ( | [💬 discussion] - Messages that can only be understood under the influence of psychedelics. { #psychedelics }

Bees Can Learn, Remember, Think and Make Decisions – World Sensorium / Conservancy ( | [💬 discussion] { #bees }


Sandstorm ( | [💬 discussion] - Open-source platform for self-hosting web apps { #oss #app }

RARBG IPFS ( | [💬 discussion] - Rarbg on IPFS { #torrent }

10xJobs - High paying tech jobs directory ( | [💬 discussion] - High paying tech jobs directory { #jobs }

Kera Desktop ( | [💬 discussion] - An easy, pleasant, speedy, and exciting way to use your favorite OS. { #oss #desktop }


Emoji Kitchen ( | [💬 discussion] - Unique illustrations of combined emoji, cooked up in Google’s Emoji Kitchen, and comprehensively available on the web { #emoji #fun }

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